Notes Tab Screen

Use this screen to view and add notes in a workfile. Selecting the note type hyperlink in the left pane opens the tab associated with it.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Views (pane) When you select a group in this pane, the note type associated with that group appear in the left pane.
New Note Selecting this option opens the New Notes screen. Use this screen to add a note to the workfile.
Print Use this option to print the notes listed on your screen.
Print Preview Use this option to view the notes listed on your screen.
Type Note types are grouped by category. Each category can have multiple types. Note types are set up in the Basic Settings section of your repair facility profile.
Note This is the body of the note that was entered when the note was created.
Critical A round red icon with an exclamation is displayed in this field if the note was marked critical when it was created.
Date/Time This is the creation date and time of the note.
Author This is the logged in user who created the note.
Category Note categories are predefined in CCC ONE. Each category can have multiple types that you define. Note types are set up in the Basic Settings section of your repair facility profile. Valid values include Incoming Communication, Outgoing Communication, Status Update, and Internal Memo.


Workfile - Notes Tab

See Also

Adding a Note







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